
Drift Protocol is an open-sourced dynamic AMM (DAMM) and decentralised orderbook (DLOB) perpetual swap exchange built on Solana. Drift provides leveraged trading of perpetual contracts for top crypto-assets.

Drift Protocol was paused on 2022/05/11 in response to a rapid increase in rate of the withdrawal of user funds. Drift successfully paused the protocol prior to a complete depletion of user funds. The pause was critical to ensure that no further funds were drained from the protocol.

This post-mortem provides a chronology of the incident, explains the underlying issues the led to the rapid withdrawal of funds, demonstrates how an attacker could have exploited the issues, describes how the issues forced to exchange to be paused and proposes immediate fixes and areas for further improvement ahead of Drift v2.

Drift’s core contributors are now full steam ahead working on a vastly improved Drift v2 that fixes the immediate technical issues present in v1 and builds upon v1’s foundation to ship a more robust leveraged trading system with sufficient risk mechanisms and guardrails, while taking into account community feedback.

Drift v1 is now sunset with all positions settled and the total settled collateral of $19.5m ($4.95m from the remaining Insurance Fund and $14.55m from financing) repaid to affected traders in full. Drift v2 is expected to launch in July with all the proposed improvements in Section 2.

1. Incident Details

In this section, Drift provides a chronology of events, a detailed breakdown of the issues that took place and a full code-based proof of concept to detail the bug. ****

a. Incident Chronology

Time Event
May 11 2022,
12 AM - 12 PM UTC Sharp spike in withdrawals noticed
Within about 12 hours starting May 11 12AM UTC, $8.72m of collateral net withdrew from the system, pushing the pool from $13.66m to $4.94m. The core developers noticed the alarming rate of withdrawals from the protocol and started to investigate the issue.
[May 11 2022,
1:15 PM UTC]( First Pause to de-risk markets
Due to volatility in LUNA, trading was halted so that the core developers could reduce risk on the exchange. Risk was reduced by increasing initial margin requirement, the base market spreads, and the exchange fee.
[May 11 2022,
2:39 PM UTC]( Exchange unpaused and k reserves reduced
After derisking the exchange, the core developers believed that the risk was low enough for the exchange to re-operate. Upon unpausing, the core developers continued to investigate the root issue and reduced k reserves across the board for LUNA, SOL, AVAX, BTC, and ETH. Reducing k (the reserves) helps reduce growth in a Long-Short Imbalance.
[May 11 2022
7:29 PM UTC]( Second pause to investigating withdrawal bug
The core developers identified the realised PNL and Insurance Fund withdrawal bug as the source of the drastic protocol withdrawals. The protocol does not have a withdrawal kill-switch or social loss mechanism so the core developers were forced to paused the exchange to distribute the remaining funds back to users.
May 16 2022 Methodology for Position Settlement
With exchange paused, positions needed to be settled. The core developers developed a methodology to settle positions and realised collateral alongside the community.
May 18 2022 “Drift Drain” Exploit POC code published [link]
This code showcases how the protocol bug allows an attacker to drain entire vault in a single transaction.
May 20 2022 Redemption UI Live
May 21 2022 POC working patch for withdrawal bug pushed
May 25 2022 Settlement Resolution
Drift secured financing to cover the outstanding shortfall of $14.5mm in full to traders.
May 26 2022 Technical Incident Report Published
May 27 2022 Redemption Live with Full Outstanding Settled Shortfall Amount

b. Root Issue

There were two levels of issues at play — one is a surface-level unchecked withdrawal and PNL accounting bug — and one is a deeper leveraged trading design issue. This section delves into the two root causes of the incident.

Based on community feedback, the document uses the term issues instead of bug or design flaw. The Drift core developers acknowledge that there were challenges with the v1 implementation and are eager to resolve them in Drift v2.